Katie Nelson

Project Manager/Senior Designer

Katie’s design career began in 2006 with a B.A. in Set Design and in 2007 with a B.A. in Interior Design.  Since then, she has worked with an Architectural Design’s Top 100 architect, a New York City bespoke luxury residential designer, and with premiere hospitality design firms on some of the most prestigious projects in the world.

As a senior designer, Katie is experienced in all project phases leading a design team from concept through construction administration, including client presentations, budgets, sourcing materials and furniture selections, writing specifications, redlining drawings, and site visits and installations.

oh, and another thing...

What virtue do you most admire?  After having children, I realized how important and sometimes difficult it can be to be patient.  Therefore, Patience is the virtue that I most admire. 

What is a little known fact about you?  I am a sleepwalker.