Hyatt Regency Resort & Spa Maui - Ballroom, Meeting Room & Prefunction
Lahaina, Maui

Mosaic wall at feature stairway

Feature mosaic wall at Prefunction entry

Prefunction Corridor facing feature end-wall

Prefunction towards beach

Archival Tapa

Prefunction wallsconce detail

Monarchy Ballroom facing inward

Monarchy Ballroom facing exterior Lanai

Chandelier detail

Prefunction at Maui Suites Meeting Room Entry

Maui Suites Meeting Rooms

Regency Club Lounge & Entry Foyer

Regency Club Buffet, Dining Room & Lanai

Sonz Bar
Renovation of the Monarchy Ballroom, Maui Suite Meeting Rooms & Board Room and Prefunction Areas. Also included in this renovation was the conversion of existing retail space into a Regency Club and Lanai and the renovation of the Sonz Bar Fine Dining Restaurant.
Photography: Jeff Zaruba Photography, Carl Ross